Oh man. I'm not ready for this! How is my baby going to be 2?! It seriously doesn't feel like a whole year has gone by since we did her 1 year photos. This girl is sooooo sweet and cuddly, but she's also quite feisty and loves to instigate. She's got a very ornery way about her, but she really cracks us up. We are always laughing about things she says and does! She loves to sing and dance. Her and Leighlyn love to sing songs from Anastasia (The Broadway Soundtrack) as well as The Greatest Showman Soundtrack. Edyn knows a lot of the words and just cracks us up when she gets into a song! She also loves to read. Her and Leighlyn could read for hours and will bring us book after book! I was an avid reader and I'm thankful they seem to be following that same path! We are so blessed to be her parents. I am so thankful for my Edyn Grace. I can't wait to see what this next year brings for her and to see who she becomes!

When Leighlyn turned two she wore this same shirt and we took her to The Little Owl Cafe in Fairbanks, Alaska! She had a cupcake and I just loved the images I shot there. So I figured with Edyn I'd re-create it and I'm so glad we did! I love how it's more "Italian" with her little "cappuccino" (foamed hot milk), and she really enjoyed it.
